As Donald Trump prepares for the upcoming debate, Vice President Kamala Harris has unleashed a powerful ad blitz across swing states, dominating the airwaves and leaving Trump’s campaign reeling. These ads, targeted at crucial voters, not only highlight Harris’s vision for the future but also feature scathing testimonials from Trump’s former allies, painting him as a threat to the nation’s security, democracy, and military.

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One of the standout ads, which Harris’s campaign recently released, features clips of former high-ranking officials from Trump’s own administration—such as former Vice President Mike Pence, former Defense Secretary James Mattis, and National Security Advisor John Bolton—warning about Trump’s unfitness for office. In the ad, Pence condemns Trump for putting his personal interests above the Constitution, while others express concern over Trump’s handling of classified information and disregard for the safety of American troops. The message is clear: those who know Trump best believe he is a danger to the country.

This strategic ad, released just a day before the debate, is a direct challenge to Trump’s image of leadership and patriotism. It calls into question his ability to lead, especially in matters of national security, and uses the voices of those closest to him to bolster its credibility. The ad ends with a powerful statement: “Donald Trump is a danger to our troops and our democracy. We can’t let him lead our country again.”

In addition to this hard-hitting ad, Harris’s campaign has rolled out several others aimed at showcasing her accomplishments and vision for the future. One ad emphasizes her commitment to building an economy that works for the middle class and reducing the cost of living for everyday Americans. With promises to lower prescription drug prices, ban price gouging, and expand affordable housing, Harris positions herself as a champion for working families. The ad stresses her focus on practical solutions to economic challenges, contrasting sharply with Trump’s past actions, such as tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.

What’s more, these ads are part of a larger, well-funded effort by the Harris campaign to dominate the narrative in swing states. With tens of millions of dollars being poured into advertising, Harris’s message is being amplified across key battlegrounds just as the debate draws near. Trump, on the other hand, has struggled to maintain a consistent message, often resorting to attacks and conspiracies that fail to resonate with undecided voters.

One particularly striking ad highlights Harris’s focus on curbing corporate greed. In the ad, Harris vows to make groceries more affordable by tackling price gouging, and she pledges to reduce housing costs by taking on corporate speculators. These promises are aimed at middle-class families who have felt the pinch of rising costs, and the ad frames Harris as the candidate who will fight for their economic interests. It’s a direct rebuttal to Trump’s record of cutting taxes for the wealthy and giving corporations free rein to increase prices.

Meanwhile, anti-Trump groups are also capitalizing on the moment to undermine the former president’s campaign. Republican Voters Against Trump, for example, has launched an $11.5 million ad blitz in swing states featuring former Trump voters who are now supporting Harris. One such voter speaks in the ad, saying, “Trump is 100% responsible for January 6. His treatment of women is just disgusting. In 2024, I will be proudly voting for Kamala Harris.” These ads serve to chip away at Trump’s base, highlighting disillusionment among voters who once supported him.

The Lincoln Project, a political action committee known for its aggressive anti-Trump messaging, has also ramped up its efforts ahead of the debate. Their ads, which have garnered significant attention, focus on Trump’s cruelty, mockery of disabled individuals, and obsession with personal attacks. One ad, titled “Insults,” features Trump’s many derogatory comments about his political rivals and others, emphasizing his pettiness and lack of presidential decorum. Another ad, “Stolen Valor,” calls out Trump’s history of dodging the Vietnam draft and his insulting remarks about military veterans, including the infamous “suckers and losers” comment.

As the debate looms, Trump’s camp is under pressure. His lack of a cohesive strategy, coupled with Harris’s relentless ad blitz, has left his team scrambling to regain control of the narrative. Trump’s public appearances have been erratic, with him delivering disjointed speeches and doubling down on conspiracy theories. He’s even resorted to bizarre posts, like wishing the Virgin Mary a happy birthday on the wrong date and promoting Hulk Hogan’s beer.

This stark contrast between Trump’s chaotic campaign and Harris’s focused messaging is already making waves among voters. Harris’s ads not only remind voters of Trump’s failures but also offer a clear alternative—a future-focused vision that prioritizes the middle class and restores dignity to the presidency.

As the debate draws nearer, the impact of this ad blitz will likely intensify. Harris has already gained significant momentum with these powerful, strategic ads, and Trump’s inability to counter them effectively could prove costly. With millions of dollars backing Harris’s campaign and a growing chorus of disillusioned Republicans turning against Trump, the former president is facing a formidable challenge. All eyes will be on the debate stage, but Harris’s groundwork may already be setting the stage for a decisive victory.