The controversial BBC show, which follows the antics of Agnes Brown and her family, has seen its ratings decline over the years, with the latest Christmas special attracting its fewest viewers ever
The ratings for Mrs Brown’s Boys have absolutely plummeted, following a Christmas special that didn’t tickle viewers’ fancy and rising calls to chuck the comedy series off the air.
The controversial BBC show, all about Agnes Brown’s (Brendan O’Carroll) shenanigans, has rolled out five series and a dozen Christmas Day specials since 2011.
But even with its cheeky jokes raking in millions of watchers over time peaking with a whopping 11.52 million UK viewers tuning into the first festive special in 2013 it’s been on a bit of a downslide since hitting that high. The average crowd pulled in by the show settled around nine million as it started to lose its charm.
By the last Christmas Day chart in 2020, only 3.8 million were watching, and it’s been on a downhill sprint ever since.
It all came crashing down with the latest 2024 Christmas cracker, which managed just 2.2 million viewers, reports the Mirror.
Now, fed-up BBC watchers are pushing for the plug to be pulled on the long-time show. One disgruntled viewer shared: “I’m so sick of seeing Mrs Brown’s Boys on TV every single Christmas. Why would they air that s**t and take up time for good shows.”
Another viewer moaned: “Whoever thinks Mrs Brown’s Boys is funny needs to give their heads a wobble. Please let it end once and for all.”
And they weren’t alone as another fed up telly watcher chimed in with: “The most idiotic show on TV throughout the past decade. I turned it on to see if it’s as bad as everyone is saying, and it was ten times worse.”
Then someone else blasted: “It was funny ten years ago but it needs to be cancelled and never put on air again. Where is the humour? Nowhere to be seen that’s where.”
In a chat with TV Guide not long back, Brendan spoke about how chuffed he is being in the BBC’s good books. He boasted about his prime-time slot: “To have that now as my slot, particularly on the BBC, I’m very proud to be part of the BBC family. It is a privilege and to have had it for 11, 12 years now, I only signed up for 18 episodes and this will be 51.”
As for whether the series will return next Christmas, viewers will just have to wait and see.