In a startling move, Fox News recently cut away from a live broadcast of Donald Trump’s rally in North Carolina after the former president made a highly inappropriate and inflammatory joke.

Donald Trump vs The Mosquito

The subject of Trump’s joke was Paul Pelosi, husband of Nancy Pelosi, who was the victim of a violent hammer attack in his own home in 2022. The incident left Paul Pelosi with severe injuries, and the trauma extended to his family. Despite this, Trump has frequently made light of the attack, and this instance was no exception.

Trump’s latest comment came as he mocked Nancy Pelosi for having a wall around her house, suggesting that it didn’t help much in preventing her husband’s assault. As soon as he uttered these remarks, Fox News cut away, avoiding broadcasting what could potentially lead to more legal trouble, especially in light of the Dominion defamation lawsuit the network recently settled. The moment underscored a shift in how Fox News handles Trump’s more extreme rhetoric, as they seemingly try to avoid the legal and public relations pitfalls they’ve faced in the past.

The timing of Trump’s joke, right before an election, was particularly distasteful. Nancy Pelosi’s book detailed the immense trauma her family experienced due to the attack, and Paul’s life-altering injuries only add to the severity of the situation. Yet, Trump’s decision to use the event as a punchline reflects a disregard for the pain and suffering of others, a pattern many argue has been central to his political style.

What is especially galling is that Trump’s comments followed a lengthy series of unfounded claims about election fraud. He continued to insist that the 2020 election was “stolen” and made baseless accusations that Democrats cheat, all without offering any credible evidence. Trump’s continued attacks on the integrity of the electoral process have already eroded public trust in democratic institutions, a process that many argue has escalated since he entered politics.

But this wasn’t the first time Trump or his allies made light of the Pelosi attack. Donald Trump Jr. also came under fire for posting a picture of a Halloween costume mocking Paul Pelosi, further showing the cruel sense of humor Trump and his inner circle exhibit regarding serious incidents of violence.

In addition to Fox News cutting away, another key moment of the rally was when Trump mocked Kamala Harris, claiming that she couldn’t focus on debate prep because “MAGA people” were outside her hotel chanting his name. This was a wild exaggeration, as photos of the supposed “flash mob” outside Harris’ hotel revealed that there were no more than eight people holding Trump flags. Once again, Trump’s speech highlighted his penchant for exaggeration and baseless claims.

Fox News cutting away is a significant indicator of how even Trump’s once-loyal media allies may be pulling back from fully endorsing his more incendiary remarks. Given the legal troubles both Trump and Fox have faced, this moment may suggest that Fox is becoming more cautious in broadcasting Trump’s rhetoric, especially as it relates to political violence and personal attacks.

In a rally where Trump spent part of his time defending himself against sexual assault allegations and the rest attacking others, the event showcased the darker side of his political tactics. With an election on the horizon, moments like this rally, where Trump veers into offensive and harmful rhetoric, serve as a reminder of the tensions and divisions that have grown during his time in the political arena.