Donald Trump’s performance at last night’s debate has left him scrambling, in denial, and clinging to claims of victory, despite what most viewers witnessed. The former president has spent the morning doing media rounds, repeatedly stating that he not only won the debate but beat Vice President Kamala Harris so soundly that he doesn’t see the need to engage her in a rematch. However, in reality, the debate appeared to be anything but a victory for Trump, as he unraveled on stage, making a series of bizarre and inflammatory statements.

Ohio man slams Donald Trump, JD Vance for politicising son's death in immigration row - India Today

Trump’s most outlandish claims came when he accused immigrants of eating pets, a statement that had the audience in shock and laughter. His tirade included calling Kamala Harris a Marxist, asserting that “we are transgendering illegal immigrants in prisons,” and attempting to justify his wildly incoherent tariff proposal. These statements alone were enough to make the debate a spectacle, but it was Trump’s refusal to back down and his complete disregard for the facts that truly stole the show.

As if Trump’s meltdown wasn’t enough, J.D. Vance, a staunch supporter from the MAGA universe, made matters worse every time he opened his mouth in the post-debate analysis. Vance, much like the rest of Trump’s inner circle, seemed to be on a mission to do damage control, spinning Trump’s performance as a success despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. One of Vance’s most tone-deaf moments came when he tried to criticize Taylor Swift, claiming that most Americans wouldn’t connect with a billionaire celebrity like her, as she’s too out of touch with everyday problems. The irony, of course, was lost on Vance, as many viewers couldn’t help but note that his description sounded more like Donald Trump himself—a billionaire celebrity born into wealth and fame, completely disconnected from the struggles of ordinary Americans.

During the debate, Trump’s behavior was erratic and defensive, with moments where he seemed completely unhinged. His refusal to acknowledge that he lost the 2020 election, his wild policy proposals, and his baseless accusations about immigrants eating pets and the transgender treatment of prisoners created a chaotic atmosphere that left even his supporters struggling to defend him. Vance, in his media interviews, could only do so much to patch up the damage, and it was clear that Trump’s claims had crossed a line even for many of his loyalists.

Perhaps the most shocking aspect of the debate was Trump’s reaction to criticism and his inability to handle being laughed at. There was a particular moment when Trump repeated his claim that immigrants were eating pets, and the audience’s reaction was immediate—laughter and disbelief. For someone like Trump, who prides himself on being the strongman, this public mockery was likely unbearable. Analysts have often noted that Trump, a narcissist who thrives on adulation, cannot handle being ridiculed, and last night’s debate was a prime example of his unraveling under pressure.

Following the debate, Trump tried to assert that he had won in every poll and that there was no need for a second debate because he had already triumphed over Harris. However, focus groups and independent polls told a different story. Kamala Harris was widely seen as the more composed and effective debater, while Trump’s performance was described as erratic and defensive. Even conservative-leaning focus groups struggled to justify Trump’s wild accusations, especially his bizarre fixation on pet-eating immigrants.

The fallout from the debate has put Trump in a difficult position. His base remains loyal, but even they seemed unsure how to respond to some of his more extreme statements. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris’s confident and measured performance has bolstered her standing, with many praising her ability to stay composed in the face of Trump’s unhinged attacks. Harris was assertive from the start, shaking Trump’s hand and introducing herself with confidence, a stark contrast to Trump’s avoidant behavior.

One of the defining moments came when Harris calmly rebutted Trump’s claim about immigrants eating pets, stating that such rhetoric was harmful and completely detached from reality. The contrast between her poise and Trump’s disjointed ranting could not have been starker. Trump, who had been confident in previous debates, seemed to lose his composure entirely in this one, and it was clear to many viewers that he had met his match.

Vance’s continued attempts to downplay Trump’s behavior only added to the absurdity of the situation. His remarks about billionaires being out of touch with the average American would have been laughable had they not been so ironic. As a Trump surrogate, Vance’s lack of self-awareness left many questioning whether he was intentionally trolling the audience, as his comments seemed almost tailor-made to backfire.

As the post-debate analysis continues, it’s clear that Trump’s grip on reality is slipping. His insistence that he won the debate despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary is a testament to his delusion. The fact that he is already trying to wiggle out of a second debate only reinforces the notion that he knows he didn’t perform well. The image of Trump ranting on stage, unable to look Kamala Harris in the eye, and stumbling over his own words is likely to stick in the minds of viewers long after the debate is over.

Ultimately, Trump’s meltdown on stage and his post-debate denial highlight the challenges he faces moving forward. His base may remain loyal, but his ability to appeal to a broader audience seems more tenuous than ever. For Kamala Harris and the Democrats, last night’s debate was a victory, not just in the moment but in the broader narrative of a party that is more grounded in reality than their opponents.