In a desperate and poorly executed attempt to undermine Vice President Kamala Harris before their upcoming debate, Donald Trump’s campaign has fumbled badly. Instead of a focused, policy-driven critique, Trump’s team opted for an attack that has left many scratching their heads, raising concerns about the former president’s strategy and his ability to face Harris on stage.

As Debate Looms, Trump Is Now the One Facing Questions About Age and  Capacity - The New York Times

Ahead of the debate, Trump’s campaign posted a bizarre video of Kamala Harris walking with her husband, Douglas Emhoff. The video included a mocking caption, referring to Emhoff as “Doug” in quotes, as if to imply something sinister or strange about Harris’s relationship with her husband. The message seemed petty and irrelevant, a far cry from the robust policy debates one might expect leading up to such an important event.

The Trump campaign also claimed that Harris was “terrified” of the upcoming debate and had tried, unsuccessfully, to change the rules at the last minute. However, no such evidence of fear or rule changes has surfaced, and this baseless attack seemed more like an attempt to create doubt about Harris’s readiness. What’s more, the personal attack on Harris’s marriage—an odd and ineffective line of attack—seemed desperate and out of touch with the issues that matter to voters.

As part of this failed strategy, Trump’s campaign posted a clip from an exchange between a reporter and Vice President Harris, where she was asked how she would handle personal attacks from Trump during the debate. The question itself was met with incredulity from many, as Harris—a seasoned prosecutor with a long history of taking down predators and cheaters—has more than enough experience to handle Trump’s bluster. The implication that Harris would be unprepared for Trump’s usual insults only reinforced the idea that the former president’s campaign is running out of ideas.

Notably, many commentators, including lawyer Bradley Moss, pointed out how ridiculous it was for Trump to focus on attacking Harris’s marriage when his own personal life has been the subject of scandal and controversy for years. Trump, after all, has been married three times, with accusations of infidelity, sexual assault, and even involvement with individuals like Jeffrey Epstein tainting his public image. The contrast between Harris’s stable, supportive marriage and Trump’s tumultuous personal history only served to further undermine his campaign’s attack.

In fact, Trump’s inability to focus on substantive issues has been a hallmark of his campaign. Recently, he spent an entire press conference defending himself against sexual assault accusations from multiple women, including E. Jean Carroll, whom Trump publicly insulted. Rather than addressing policy or the concerns of the American people, Trump used his platform to dismiss his accusers and talk about how he couldn’t have assaulted certain women because they weren’t “his type.”

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has continued to emphasize her record of leadership and service to the American people. As she prepares for the debate, Harris has spoken proudly about her time as a prosecutor, where she took on powerful perpetrators, cheaters, and fraudsters—positions that stand in stark contrast to Trump’s history of predatory behavior. In a recent speech, Harris highlighted her commitment to uplifting Americans, focusing on those who have been left behind, a sharp contrast to Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

President Trump, Sen. Harris to return to Georgia this weekend | WSAV-TV

As Trump’s campaign flails, Harris has also been pushing forward with detailed, well-thought-out policy proposals. From affordable housing to lowering the cost of living and ensuring access to healthcare, Harris has laid out plans to address the issues that most affect working families. In comparison, Trump’s campaign has failed to present any coherent policy agenda, relying instead on conspiracy theories, attacks on his opponents, and a personality-driven cult of grievance.

Trump’s pre-debate behavior has been erratic and unhinged, further raising questions about his preparedness. Over the weekend, he made a bizarre reference to Hannibal Lecter, joking that the fictional cannibal would “have you for dinner.” This strange comment did little to inspire confidence in his ability to handle serious political discourse, especially as voters grow increasingly concerned about his mental state and erratic public appearances.

In contrast, Kamala Harris has maintained her focus on the future, speaking about the importance of being “unburdened by what has been” and ensuring that every American has the opportunity to succeed. This hopeful message resonates with voters who are tired of Trump’s constant negativity and fear-mongering. Harris’s vision for an “opportunity economy” offers a positive and forward-looking alternative to Trump’s chaotic and regressive approach.

As the debate approaches, the contrast between Harris and Trump could not be clearer. Harris, with her focus on policy and the future, stands ready to face Trump, who remains fixated on personal attacks and wild conspiracies. Trump’s latest attempt to undermine Harris by attacking her marriage and making incoherent public statements only underscores his campaign’s growing desperation.

Ultimately, Trump’s pre-debate attack on Kamala Harris has backfired, highlighting his lack of preparation and inability to engage on meaningful issues. With Harris poised to take the debate stage, Trump’s team will need to rethink its approach if they hope to avoid further embarrassment. As it stands, Harris’s composed and focused demeanor is likely to overshadow Trump’s increasingly erratic behavior, leaving him scrambling to regain control of his campaign.