Was Biden’s Cognitive Decline a Cover-Up? Trump Shares His Surprising Thoughts

Tổng thống Biden nói cần ngủ thêm và dừng tham gia sự kiện sau 20h

In a recent interview, former President Donald Trump shared his thoughts on President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities and speculated about a possible cover-up regarding Biden’s competency. Trump, who initially ran against Biden and later focused his campaign on Vice President Kamala Harris, raised concerns about whether there was an effort to conceal Biden’s declining mental acuity from the public.

Trump began by discussing how some people went on television and spoke about meeting Biden regularly, describing him as “sharp” and “on the ball.” Trump suggested that while aging is a natural process that isn’t Biden’s fault, there might have been a deliberate attempt to cover up the president’s cognitive decline. He questioned the involvement of various parties in this alleged cover-up, hinting at a potential conspiracy.

To support his argument, Trump mentioned that many older individuals, including people in their 90s, remain mentally sharp. He cited Bernie Marcus, the 95-year-old founder of Home Depot, as an example of someone who, despite his age, remains highly alert and mentally active. Trump contrasted this with Biden, who is 81, suggesting that the president’s cognitive decline might be more pronounced due to past medical procedures.

Ông Trump gọi màn tranh luận với Tổng thống Biden là "buổi tối kỳ lạ" - Báo Công an Nhân dân điện tử

Trump then discussed how this perceived decline became evident during the presidential debates. He noted that the debates had high viewership, suggesting that people were interested in assessing Biden’s mental fitness. According to Trump, Biden’s performance was lackluster, which marked “the beginning of the end” for his public perception regarding mental acuity.

Following the debates, Trump claimed that Biden attempted to demonstrate his mental sharpness by appearing on various shows. However, Trump alleged that these appearances were set up with easy questions, such as asking Biden about his favorite dessert, which did not convincingly showcase Biden’s cognitive abilities. Despite the soft approach, Trump believed Biden’s performance still fell short.

Trump also referenced internal Democratic polling, which he claimed showed him leading Biden by 17 points after the debates. He described how top Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, allegedly pressured Biden to step down, threatening to invoke constitutional amendments to remove him from office. Trump depicted this as a “nasty” confrontation, ultimately leading to Biden being given a way out.

Furthermore, Trump touched upon his frustration with Biden over security arrangements at campaign rallies. He claimed that while his rallies attracted tens of thousands of attendees, they often faced challenges in securing sufficient Secret Service protection. In contrast, he argued that Biden, whose events allegedly had much lower attendance, consistently had a significant Secret Service presence.

Trump’s remarks suggest a belief that there was a deliberate effort to hide Biden’s cognitive decline from the public. He questioned the integrity of those involved in this alleged cover-up and expressed his concerns about the potential implications for trust in future political dealings. As Trump continues his campaign, these criticisms of Biden’s mental fitness and the alleged cover-up could become a significant talking point in the political discourse.