Still very present in the media at 52, Shaquille O’Neal took advantage of a recent interview to once again spit his venom on Rudy Gobert. This, before regretting a few seconds later that the law prevents him… from spanking.
For years, fans had grown accustomed to seeing him constantly criticize Dwight Howard. So much so that some ended up feeling sorry for him for this treatment that they considered unfair.
That did not stop Shaquille O’Neal from continuing in this vein and taking a dislike to many of his successors at the center position.
Including Rudy Gobert, whom he tackled again recently.
Shaquille O’Neal’s Viral Outburst About His 27-Year-Old Son
The subject of a recent Q&A for Complex , Shaq was notably asked to name the worst NBA player in his opinion.
Unsurprisingly, he then cited the names of Ben Simmons… and Gobert before supporting his arguments to justify this choice .
Present at his side during this sequence, Myles O’Neal, his son, was therefore not very surprised and wanted to ask the French big man for forgiveness:
Myles O’Neal: I knew he was going to say Rudy Gobert! (Laughs) I feel sorry for him and Ben Simmons, by the way.
However, the roles were reversed in the seconds that followed. Indeed, the young man also had to name the worst player in the league in his eyes,
and his scathing response led his father to apologize profusely:
Myles O’Neal: I think as a native of Los Angeles, I would say any player that plays for the f**king Clippers. F**k the Clippers. I hate them so much. Everybody that plays for the Clippers, all of you, I hate you. You’re the worst.
Shaquille O’Neal: He’s drunk! He’s 27 but I’d spank him if it wasn’t illegal. Anyway, Clippers, we’re sorry.
Born in 1997, a few months after his father arrived in Los Angeles, Myles O’Neal spent a good part of his youth there and logically joined the Lakers Nation.
The opportunity to attack the local sworn enemies, namely the Clippers, was therefore too good to miss this time, despite the displeasure of a confused Diesel.
However, he will not be able to delete similar messages posted by his son on X :
If Shaquille O’Neal seems to harbor a visceral hatred for Rudy Gobert, his son Myles can say the same about the Clippers. Each makes sure to counterbalance the other’s incisive speech with diplomatic apologies.