In a shocking revelation, the original investor deck for Trump Media Group from 2021 has been leaked, exposing a stark contrast between the projections presented to investors and the grim reality of the company’s performance. This investor presentation, which aimed to attract funding for the launch of Trump’s media venture, has now become a focal point for understanding the significant discrepancies in financial expectations versus actual results.

Trump calls for slashing corporate tax rate — for domestic producers only -  MarketWatch

The leaked investor deck, titled “Trump Media Group Digital World Acquisitions Investor Presentation,” was shared with Meidas Touch, a progressive media organization. The contents of this presentation reveal just how far off the projections were compared to the current state of Trump Media, particularly its flagship platform, Truth Social. The stock price of Trump Media has plummeted, dropping approximately 75% since March, with recent reports indicating it was trading at around $16.98—a far cry from the optimistic forecasts laid out in 2021.

One of the most alarming aspects of the leaked deck is the revenue projections. In the presentation, Trump Media projected revenues of $114 million for 2023 and a staggering $835 million for 2024. However, the actual figures tell a different story. In 2023, the company reported a mere $4.1 million in total revenue, while incurring losses exceeding $58 million. The disparity between what investors were promised and what has transpired is striking.

As the year progresses, further financial woes have surfaced. In the second quarter of 2024, Trump Media reported a net loss of $16.4 million, with revenues falling to $836,900—a 30% decline compared to the previous year. Cumulatively, the company has racked up losses of approximately $343 million in 2024 alone. These figures starkly contrast with the projected revenues, revealing a company struggling to maintain its footing in a competitive media landscape.

The investor deck also attempted to position Truth Social as a competitor to major platforms like Netflix and Disney, claiming that it would attract millions of users and generate billions in revenue. However, the reality is that Truth Social has failed to gain significant traction, with user numbers reportedly falling well short of initial expectations. The ambitious projections, which included reaching 81 million users by 2026, appear increasingly unrealistic given the current performance metrics.

This situation raises critical questions about the credibility of the Trump brand as a business entity. For years, Trump has positioned himself as a successful businessman, often touting his ventures as models for how the country should be run. However, the data from Trump Media paints a different picture—one of mismanagement and financial instability. The leaked investor deck serves as a reminder that the narrative of Trump as a savvy businessman is fraught with inconsistencies.

Additionally, the internal turmoil within Trump Media is evident. Patrick Orlando, the chairman and CEO, has found himself embroiled in legal disputes with the company, alleging corporate espionage and misconduct. Such instability at the top further complicates the company’s ability to recover and regain investor confidence.

Critics of Trump have long argued that his business practices reflect a broader pattern of failure. The leaked investor deck highlights this narrative, showcasing a history of bankruptcies associated with Trump’s ventures. From Trump University to Trump Airlines, many of his businesses have struggled or outright failed, raising concerns about whether Trump Media will follow suit.

In light of these revelations, it is essential to scrutinize the broader implications for the political landscape. Trump has consistently leveraged his business persona to rally support, claiming that his experience in the private sector equips him to lead the nation effectively. However, as the data from Trump Media suggests, his business acumen may not translate into successful governance.

As the 2024 election approaches, the performance of Trump Media could impact public perception of Trump as a candidate. Voters may begin to question the validity of his claims about economic prowess and leadership if his business ventures continue to falter. The leaked investor deck serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in both business and politics.


In conclusion, the leak of the Trump Media investor deck has unveiled a troubling reality for the company and its founder. The stark contrast between projected and actual revenues, coupled with ongoing legal disputes and a history of failed ventures, raises significant questions about Trump’s business credibility. As the political landscape evolves, it remains to be seen how these revelations will influence public perception and voter sentiment in the upcoming election. The narrative of Trump as a successful businessman is increasingly challenged by the data, underscoring the need for a critical examination of his claims and the implications for the future of American politics.