In a surprising turn of events, Donald Trump may be contemplating replacing his running mate, Ohio Senator JD Vance, within the next 10 days. This revelation comes from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who shared his insights as Trump faces mounting pressure in the lead-up to his first debate against Vice President Kamala Harris. Schumer’s comments highlight a significant shift in Trump’s campaign strategy as he grapples with mounting challenges and internal doubts.

Republikanerinnen Haley und Cheney kritisieren Trump und Vance |

Trump’s erratic behavior has been on full display, with reports that he’s been staying up late at night and waking up early to unleash social media tirades aimed at Vice President Harris. The intensity of his postings reflects the rising anxiety within his campaign, as Harris’ relentless focus and well-executed campaign have garnered widespread attention.

Recent polling data shows Harris leading Trump in several key swing states. Polls from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota all show Harris ahead of Trump, in some cases by significant margins. These numbers have alarmed Trump and his team, especially since the polling data came from traditionally conservative outlets, making the results even harder for his supporters to dismiss.

A major part of Harris’ momentum comes from her impressive first week of campaigning. Her campaign has raised $200 million in grassroots donations and garnered over 170,000 new volunteers. Harris’ team has hosted 2,300 events in battleground states and built a strong presence on social media, with her TikTok account skyrocketing to 2.9 million followers—far surpassing Trump’s.

Amid this backdrop, Trump’s decision to consider replacing JD Vance stems from multiple concerns. Vance’s campaign has faced backlash over resurfaced controversial comments, including remarks about “childless cat ladies” and other divisive statements. Reports also suggest that Trump originally selected Vance due to pressure from his sons, Don Jr. and Eric Trump, who have personal ties to Vance. However, as the race progresses, Trump may be realizing that Vance’s presence on the ticket could prove more of a liability than an asset.

While some political experts argue that replacing Vance so close to key deadlines would be chaotic, others believe Trump could attempt it to reset his campaign. According to Schumer, Trump is likely weighing whether to stick with Vance, whose baggage is already causing issues, or risk further instability by bringing in a new candidate. With 10 days left before the Ohio ballot is locked, Trump faces a critical decision.

Speculation around the potential VP shake-up has been fueled by the resurgence of negative press against Vance and Trump’s apparent dissatisfaction with his running mate. Trump’s communications director, Stephen Chung, has been quick to deny these reports, stating that Trump remains “thrilled” with Vance. However, Trump’s public appearances suggest otherwise, with his enthusiasm for Vance appearing lukewarm at best.

Political analysts are divided on what Trump will ultimately do, but the stakes are clear. The chaos within his campaign and the overwhelming success of Harris’ efforts are forcing Trump to consider drastic measures. The pressure is on, and Trump’s next move could make or break his chances in the 2024 election.

As Harris continues to build on her early successes, Trump is left grappling with internal turmoil. Whether or not he follows through on replacing JD Vance, one thing is clear: the next 10 days will be pivotal for the future of his campaign.