In a bizarre twist, Fox News recently aired a segment that unintentionally undermined former President Donald Trump’s performance in his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris. The clip, meant to criticize the liberal media’s bias, instead highlighted several commentators openly praising Harris’s strong showing during the debate and pointing out Trump’s struggles. The unintended message quickly became a talking point across social media, causing waves of reactions from political commentators and viewers alike. With the 2024 election heating up, this incident raised eyebrows, especially as Fox News, traditionally supportive of Trump, inadvertently aired commentary that painted him in a negative light.
The moment unfolded when Fox News commentator Kayleigh McEnany played a montage intended to demonstrate how biased the liberal media was in favor of Harris after the debate. McEnany aimed to showcase the overly favorable coverage of Harris by mainstream outlets, but the montage backfired spectacularly. Instead of highlighting media bias, the chosen clips focused on how well Harris performed, with one commentator even saying she “baited” and “spanked” Trump throughout the debate. It was a moment that left Fox News viewers hearing a chorus of praise for Harris, precisely the opposite of what McEnany intended.
This mishap was compounded by further reactions from other conservative media outlets. Newsmax host Greg Kelly launched into an unhinged conspiracy theory even before the debate had started, criticizing everything from the debate set to the “We the People” slogan hanging above the candidates. In Kelly’s mind, the phrase was some kind of subliminal nod to the Democratic Party, a bizarre interpretation given its origins in the U.S. Constitution. This level of suspicion and paranoia among Trump’s supporters has become a recurring theme as they grapple with the reality of his debate performance.
The reaction from Trump supporters to Harris’s success was telling. Several conservative commentators, including those on Fox News, began spinning wild theories to explain her debate dominance. One commentator even accused Harris of somehow knowing the questions in advance, based solely on the fact that she looked at Trump more than the moderator. This baseless claim only further illustrated the lengths some Trump supporters would go to justify what many perceived as a lackluster debate performance by the former president.
Adding to the spectacle, several Republican figures made outlandish comparisons to the debate, with one even likening it to a “public execution” of Trump. This extreme characterization of what was, at best, a tense exchange of ideas, only served to highlight how deeply shaken many Trump supporters were by his debate showing. While Trump himself continued to insist he had his best debate ever, the rhetoric surrounding him from conservative pundits painted a very different picture.
In the aftermath of the debate, more fallout emerged from prominent Trump supporters. Even Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has endorsed Trump, was forced to admit that Harris had clearly won the debate in terms of preparation, delivery, and polish. While Kennedy praised Trump’s governance, he could not ignore the fact that Harris had outperformed him on the debate stage. This admission from an unlikely source underscored the growing consensus that Trump’s debate performance had been lackluster at best.
The mishap at Fox News, combined with the surreal conspiracy theories and the frantic attempts to spin Harris’s debate win, paints a vivid picture of the current state of Trump’s campaign. As the 2024 election approaches, Trump’s ability to control the narrative around his public appearances seems to be slipping, even among his staunchest supporters. The irony of Fox News, one of his most loyal media platforms, accidentally broadcasting his failures for all to see is emblematic of the larger challenges his campaign faces.
In the days and weeks to come, as polls begin to reflect the impact of the debate, it remains to be seen how Trump and his supporters will attempt to regain momentum. For now, however, this episode serves as a stark reminder that in politics, even the most carefully planned narratives can quickly unravel in the face of reality. Fox News’ accidental exposure of Trump’s debate loss may have been unintentional, but it has revealed deeper cracks in his campaign’s armor as the stakes in the 2024 election continue to rise.